
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2021] DeepVecFont: Synthesizing High-quality Vector Fonts via Dual-modality Learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the official Pytorch implementation of the paper:

Yizhi Wang and Zhouhui Lian. DeepVecFont: Synthesizing High-quality Vector Fonts via Dual-modality Learning. SIGGRAPH Asia. 2021.

Paper: arxiv Homepage: DeepVecFont


Few-shot generation

Given a few vector glyphs of a font as reference, our model generates the full vector font:

Input glyphs:

Synthesized glyphs by DeepVecFont:

Input glyphs:

Synthesized glyphs by DeepVecFont:

Input glyphs:

Synthesized glyphs by DeepVecFont:

Vector font interpolation



Random generation (New fonts)




  • python 3.9
  • Pytorch 1.9 (it may work on some lower versions, but not tested)

Please use Anaconda to build the environment:

conda create -n dvf python=3.9
source activate dvf

Install pytorch via the instructions.

Install diffvg

We utilize diffvg to refine our generated vector glyphs in the testing phase. Please go to https://github.com/BachiLi/diffvg see how to install it.

Important (updated 2021.10.19): You need first replace the original diffvg/pydiffvg/save_svg.py with this and then install.

Data and Pretrained-model


Please download the vecfont_dataset dir and put it under ./data/. (This dataset is a subset from SVG-VAE, ICCV 2019. The details about how to create from your own data are shown below.)

  • The Image Super-resolution dataset

This dataset is too huge so I suggest to create it by yourself (more information will be released).

Please Download them and put it under ./data/.

Pretrained model

Please download the dvf_neural_raster dir and put it under ./experiments/.

  • The Image Super-resolution model Download links: Google Drive.

Please download the image_sr dir and put it under ./experiments/. Note that recently we switched from Tensorflow to Pytorch, we may update the models that have better performances.

  • The Main model Download links: [will be uploaded soon].

Training and Testing

To train our main model, run

python main.py --mode train --experiment_name dvf --model_name main_model

The configurations can be found in options.py.

To test our main model, run

python test_sf.py --mode test --experiment_name dvf --model_name main_model --test_epoch 1500 --batch_size 1 --mix_temperature 0.0001 --gauss_temperature 0.01

This will output the synthesized fonts without refinements. Note that batch_size must be set to 1. The results will be written in ./experiments/dvf_main_model/results/.

To refinement the vector glyphs, run

python refinement.mp.py --experiment_name dvf --fontid 14 --candidate_nums 20 

where the fontid denotes the index of testing font. The results will be written in ./experiments/dvf_main_model/results/0014/svgs_refined/. Set num_processes according to your GPU's computation capacity.

We have pretrained the neural rasterizer and image super-resolution model. If you want to train them yourself:

To train the neural rasterizer:

python train_nr.py --mode train --experiment_name dvf --model_name neural_raster

To train the image super-resolution model:

python train_sr.py --mode train --name image_sr

Customize your own dataset

  • Prepare ttf/otf files

Put the ttf/otf files in ./data_utils/font_ttfs/train and ./data_utils/font_ttfs/test, and organize them as 0000.ttf, 0001.ttf, 0002.ttf...

  • Deactivate the conda environment and install Fontforge

for python > 3.0:

conda deactivate
apt install python3-fontforge
  • Get SFD files via Fontforge
cd data_utils
python convert_ttf_to_sfd_mp.py --split train
python convert_ttf_to_sfd_mp.py --split test
  • Generate glyph images
python write_glyph_imgs.py --split train
python write_glyph_imgs.py --split test
  • package them to pkl files
python write_data_to_pkl.py --split train
python write_data_to_pkl.py --split test

Note: we package the image and sequence files all into the pkls, which is memory-consuming when training. It is a better way to write the file paths and read the files from disks/drives when training (TO-DO).



If you use this code or find our work is helpful, please consider citing our work:

 author = {Wang, Yizhi and Lian, Zhouhui},
 title = {DeepVecFont: Synthesizing High-quality Vector Fonts via Dual-modality Learning},
 journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
 numpages = {15},
 month = December,
 year = {2021},