Game made for Game Jam Plus 2020-2021 It's a party/multiplayer game, produced in unity, where the objective is combat the enemies that are causing a disbalancing in the world.
We've tried to explore the best of one of the themes proposed which was Nature Protectors.
We choose two diversifiers to these project:
Pets Play/ Direitos dos Animais
- Evandro Filho - Programmer
- John de Souza - Programmer
- Vinicius Edwards - Programmer
- Suziane Cundiff - Programmer
- Yuri Silva - VFX/Modelagem 3D
- Felipe Henrique - Game Desing/Arquitetura
- Eduardo Maia - Game Design/Storytelling
- Mateus Wesen - Game Design/3D Animation
- John Victor - Design/Motion Design
- César Lima - Composer