
Week 3 Day 3 - Project: Presentation of cinema data


Week 3 Day 3 - Project: Presentation of cinema data (movies and frequentation).

The aim of this project is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the Gaumont cinema company.

Data analysis

The file analysed shows data on the frequentation and movies in french cinemas from as early as 1938, up to 2021.
Source: CNC - Fréquentation et films dans les salles de cinéma

For this project, I restricted the data to years 1980 to 2021. The analysis was done using a mix of Excel and Tableau.

Additionally, I took into account the closing dates of cinemas due to Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021:

  • From 14th March (week 11) to 21st of June 2020 (week 25) => around 6 months
  • From 30th of October 2020 (week 44) to 19th of May 2021 (week 20) => around 5 months

Also, I included information about on-demand video platforms (Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney +):

For current estimations (years 2022/2023) and predictions:

It would be interesting the include these informations to the data analysis, but this was not done by lack of time.

PowerPoint presentation

The presentation is done in English and French, to answer the question:
"Are movie theaters in decline?" ("Le cinéma est-il en perte de vitesse ?").

Graphic design

Choices of colors, fonts, photos, logos.

  • Color: Orange (#E54217) and variations of blue
  • Fonts: Carlito (titles) and Alef (text)
  • Photos: Free stock photos (from Unsplash and Pexels)
  • Logos: Old Gaumont logo (1908)


Choices of information and data to present, key data, starting and ending points, etc.

  1. Are movie theaters in decline?
  2. Key data of 2021
  3. Annual revenue and admissions
  4. Covid-19
  5. Before Covid-19
  6. On-demande video
  7. Movie offers
  8. Ticket price
  9. Current situation and predictions
  10. Conclusion