
Week 9 Day 4 - Gmail-like app using Hotwire in Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Gmail-like using Hotwire on Rails 7

The aim of this project is to use Hotwire/Turbo to upload content of the DB in real time without reloading the full HTML page.

1. Index/home page

Gmail-like display of emails, with list of emails objects on the left side of the page, and full email with content on the right side of the page.

2. Receive an email

Click on the button "Receive email" to create a new email, it displays directly in the bottom of the list without recharging the page.

3. Display an email

When clicking on an email on the list, the full content is displayed on the right side.

4. Delete an email

Under the full email display, the button "Delete" distroys the email from the database.

5. Read/unread option

The checkbox allow to check if the email was read or not (fully opened).