
An example of how to communicate between the Minecraft mod ComputerCraft and a server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Proof of Concept - ComputerCraft HTTP Requests

This is a simple Node.js server and client code for the ComputerCraft Minecraft mod, which shows how they can communicate with each other.


  1. Clone this repo, then run the server code (install Node.js, then run node index)
    • This has to run behind a domain and be available in the clearnet
    • Default port is 1337, change it at the top of index.js
  2. To install the client-side program in Minecraft, use this command in a computer: pastebin get cpnZfbu2 httptest
  3. Run edit httptest and change the variables at the top to match your setup
    • Changing reqBod to a number will make the server return the factorial of the number
    • Changing reqBod to a string will make the server encode your entered text with base64 and return it
    • Removing reqBod completely or entering an invalid value will make the server respond with its current time
  4. Run the command httptest in game to execute the client-side program


This code is licensed under the MIT license