
Simple CRUD ASP.NET Core App using Razor Pages

Primary LanguageC#


Simple CRUD ASP.NET Core App using Razor Pages.

Take a look at the MVC implementation here


  • .NET Core 3.1
  • MSSQL Server and Entity Framework Core for database and mapping
  • Bootstrap and Razor pages for views
  • Javascript for data table handling


  • Create:
  • Read:
  • Update:
  • Delete:

Building and usage:

You need Visual Studio 2019, .Net Core 3.1 and a MS SQL Server 2019 instance running in your local machine.

For database setup you need to:

  • Set the DefaultConnection Server in appsettings.json to your local instance (see: Server=DESKTOP-F19K3V3, change DESKTOP... with your local instance name)
  • Create the database and book table using the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio:
    • PM> add-migration DatabaseInit
    • PM> update-database