
Interactive and persistent .NET Discord Bot game with PvP features

Primary LanguageC#


Interactive and persistent Discord Bot Game with PvP features


C#, .NET Core 3.1, Entity Framework Core, MySql (Current implementation, could use any EFCore supported SQL provider), DSharpPlus

Build and Deploy:

Database Setup:

Terra Spiel is currently setup to work with MySql, but can easly change SQL provider, refer to the implementation on Startup.cs

For the following EFCore commands, locate yourself on \TerraSpiel\TerraSpiel

  • Database creation:
dotnet-ef migrations add InitialCreate -p ../TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations/TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations.csproj --context TerraSpiel.DAL.GameContext
  • Database update/migrations:
dotnet-ef database update -p ../TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations/TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations.csproj --context TerraSpiel.DAL.GameContext


  • Build TerraSpiel.Bot project
  • config.json parameters: (located on build folder: Json/config.json)
    • token: Discord bot token, you must create your own on the Discord Developers site.
    • prefix: Bot commands prefix to listen to
    • connstring: Database connection string
    • enviroment: No use for now, leave on Debug
    • The rest of the fields are useful parameters to change gameplay settings.

Finally, run TerraSpiel.Bot.exe
