
TDAT2004 Datakommunikasjon med nettverksprogrammering avsluttende prosjekt 2019

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Opal Maskot

Opal - A HTTP2 Webframework in Go

Go Report Card Build Status

Opal is a simple HTTP2 web-framework implemented in Go (Golang), made for fast and reliable development. Opal is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Go.


  1. Installation
  2. Examples
  3. Implementations
  4. Todo
  5. Dependencies
  6. Tests
  7. Documentation
  8. Authors


To use Opal, you need to install Go and set your Go workspace first, see Go installation docs.

  1. Download and install it:
$ go get -u github.com/SveinungOverland/opal
  1. Import it in your code:
import (


Basic Usage

srv, err := opal.NewTLSServer("./server.crt", "./server.key")
r := router.NewRouter("/")

// A simple GET-endpoint
r.Get("/", func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response) {
  res.String(200, "Hello World! :D")

// A simple PUT-endpoint
r.Put("/:id", func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response) {
  id := req.Param("id") // Read path parameter
  res.String(200, id)

srv.Register(r) // Register router

Server Push

srv, err := opal.NewTLSServer("./server.crt", "./server.key")
r := router.NewRouter("/")

// A simple endpoint that returns a html document
r.Get("/", func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response) {
    res.HTML("./index.html", nil)
    res.Push("/static/app.js") // Push app.js
    res.Push("/static/index.css") // Push index.css

// Register all files in given path as accessible files, 
// without the need to register every single file 
r.Static("/static", "./MY_STATIC_PATH")



// Authorization middleware
auth := func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response) {
  token := req.Query("token")
  if token != "MY_SECRET_PASSWORD" {
    // Finish tells Opal that the request ends here and doesn't 
    // get passed along to other endpoint handlers or middleware

srv, err := opal.NewTLSServer("./server.crt", "./server.key")
srv.Use(corsHandler) // Adding an optional cors middleware

r := router.NewRouter("/")

//               \/ Auth middleware function that is defined above gets added here
r.Post("/todo", auth, func(req *http.Request, res *http.Response) {
  task := string(req.Body)
  // Send new todo item
  res.JSON(201, http.JSON {
   "todo": task,
   "done": false,


Static Content

Opal provides an easy way to serve static content, like html, css and js files generated by for example a React or Vue build and is easily achieved by providing a path to the files to router.Static()

srv, err := opal.NewTLSServer("./server.crt", "./server.key")
r := router.NewRouter("/")

r.Static("/", "./build") // Serves the entire build folder on root path



Opal implements a robust HTTP2-library managing multiple clients with REST-support, Server-Push, and support for serving static files.

Core of the HTTP/2 Protocol

Implemented most of the HTTP2-protocol, specified by RFC7540

HPACK - Header compression

Created a robust and solid HPACK library, RFC7541

HTTP Router library

A high preformance HTTP-Router with parameter- and filehandling-functionality.


  • Add support for HTTP/1.1
  • Implement Stream Priority, RFC7540 Section 5.3
  • Implement better support for middlewares
  • Implement server push for static routes


  • crypto/tls - A TLS-library from the standard-library. Docs
  • github.com/go-test/deep - A library for test-support. Github Repo
  • github.com/fatih/color - A color-library for changing colors in the console. Github Repo


For running the test the following command can be executed at the root directory.

go test -v ./...

For seeing test-coverage the following commands can be exectuted:

go test -v ./... -coverageprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html=coverage.out


GoDoc is generated and hosted at godoc.org/opal. At the bottom of the page there is also docs for the subpackages (like http and hpack)

HTTP Docs (Request and Response)

GoDoc: https://godoc.org/github.com/SveinungOverland/opal/http

Router Docs (Get, Post, Put...)

GoDoc: https://godoc.org/github.com/SveinungOverland/opal/router


GoDoc: https://godoc.org/github.com/SveinungOverland/opal/hpack
