
Making string chart visualization from GTFS data.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How to run this code?

1. Python script

Used for loading data from GTFS format zip file or link to it, merging and cleaning the data we need for drawing. In the end it is saved in a format we need for drawing in the frontend.


  1. Open and run "load_data.py"
  2. All stops from dataset are shown in terminal window
  3. Choose two stops whose connections you want to see
  4. Input them in the input fields in the terminal
  5. You get feedback in the terminal in form of a table so you can see how the data looks, and the same table is saved localy 5.1. In case of zero connections between two stops, you will get error message "No available routes!"

2. Frontend

  1. Open ...
  2. Import CSV you have made in python script
  3. When graph is drawn you have numerous filter options 3.1. Filter by direction - you can choose just one (eather way) or both direction 3.2. Filter by time - you can specify time range that you want to be shown 3.3. Color change - you can change the colors of the graph
  4. On "Save to SVG" button you can save drawn image localy for further use

Setting up node_modules and electron:

With elevated CMD inside stringCharter folder

  1. npm install

  2. npm rebuild

  3. npm start (if error: npm install --save-dev electron)

  4. npm install electron-packager -g

  5. electron-packager .

Information-Visualisation - remove after use



