FireGPG is a Firefox extension under MPL that provides an integrated interface to apply GnuPG operations to the text of any web page, including encryption, decryption, signing, and signature verification.
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- ahoward
- atomanticEarth
- bennomadicMilky Way
- egeerardynBrussels, Belgium
- fladiOpenservices e.U.
- fracai
- freephileSalisbury Beach, MA
- garbasNix - Elm - Rust - Python
- groupskyPlovdiv/Bulgaria
- ipatrol
- JustDevZeroASYD Solutions
- mkrao
- Natanael90Sweden
- petrmFrankfurt am Main
- redwildfire13Island Games Studio
- SvenDowideit@cryptoworkbench
- tomas-edwardssonReykjavik, Iceland