- 0
License confusion
#68 opened by hyandell - 0
NPE Deleting Element from AutoMap
#67 opened by VirtualTim - 1
formatting via xslt removes namespaces
#63 opened by SvenEwald - 1
Tutorial 1: MSN weather discontinued
#64 opened by fabtagon - 3
NPE during createTransformer and prettyprinting is ON (OpenJDK 11.0.3 - after upgrading v1.2.40 to 1.2.42)
#62 opened by zaffranad - 7
- 2
ExceptionInInitializerError caused by NumberFormatException in ReflectionHelper.getJavaVersion
#60 opened by marcosbozzani - 2
Tried to use Example t04
#48 opened by khmarbaise - 0
XBProjector.projectXMLString() can be invoked for the same projection class only once
#58 opened by SvenEwald - 4
Support for JSON? (/o\ yeah, I know)
#28 opened by odrotbohm - 7
Path with colon
#57 opened by PatientLiu - 3
Is there an example to delete an particular node
#56 opened by yhjhoo - 1
- 1
XBWrite of attribute fails with relative path
#54 opened by meldorq - 1
NullPointerException when setting fresh (empty) child projection onto a parent projection
#53 opened by zhsc - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
Problems in a multithread-usage
#47 opened by db0x - 7
- 4
- 3
New Feature: "Projected Collections"
#33 opened by SvenEwald - 4
- 8
- 1
- 2
XBWrite issues with multi-segment path in conditional error and issue creating predicate elements with no child after in expression
#39 opened by zhsc - 4
Unable to parse SOAP xml file
#38 opened by josetesan - 1
Support XBDataNotFoundException for XBUpdate
#34 opened by SvenEwald - 1
- 2
- 3
- 5
Allow projection interfaces to be non-public
#31 opened by odrotbohm - 1
- 1
why database connecdtions cannot release?
#32 opened by gg209812 - 1
Support for projection logging
#4 opened by SvenEwald - 1
- 5
- 2
Support caching of xpathexpressions
#16 opened by binkley - 1
- 2
- 3
Float field is 0.0 if the value is blank
#19 opened by neilmcguigan - 1
Cannot create element with dot in name
#15 opened by SvenEwald - 1
Writing XPaths with predicates do not work if writing target was part of the selector.
#14 opened by SvenEwald - 5
Add support for String-based value objects
#12 opened by odrotbohm - 2
How to use with TagSoup parser?
#11 opened by neilmcguigan - 1
- 1
Support for Java8 virtual extension methods
#7 opened by SvenEwald - 1
Would xmlbeam add a feature that validate the value of some elements of a XML document?
#10 opened by jadetang - 3
Can't use single quotes in xpaths
#8 opened by neilmcguigan - 8
Pluggable XPath implementation
#6 opened by nikolayo