MecrispForth board collection

basis installations for some microcontroller boards with display via i2c or fsmc bus

  • stm32f407_blackboard is ready for use
    • TFT/touch driver
    • nRF24L01 work in progress
    • w25q16 SPI-flash driver
  • stm32f411_blackpill is ready for use (documentation is a mess)

Driver/Words for some peripherals

Neopixel driver for stm32f4

Source: /lib/ext/neopix/ws2812b_stm32f4.fs

  • working DMA based driver
  • currently tested with stm32f411 board

Example TSOP1838 driver for stm32f4

Source: /lib/ext/TSOP1838/TSOP1838_f4.fs

  • works via interrupt