
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ToDoList Node.js REST API Learning by doing

My first project with node.js trying to learn by doing.

What am i using?

Express - for creating a server. Nodmon - keep track of changes to our application by watching changed files and automatically restart the server. Mongoose - for interacting with MongoDB(Database) instance. bodyParse - Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware which could be used to return more interactive messages. Middleware - basically intercepts incoming http request and as such you can use them to perform several operations ranging from authentication to validating etc.

Project Architecture

controllers - five different functions(list_all_tasks, create_a_task, read_a_task, update_a_task, delete_a_task). For the routes. Each of this functions use different mongoose methods such as find, findById, findOneAndUpdate, save and remove.

models - using mongoose we create a model of how our collection should look like. Task collection(table) will contains a name: a string, and date it was created. It also contains task status which we have defined as panding - a default value for every task created.

routes - routing refers on how our application responds to a client request for a specific endpoint, which is a URI(or a path) and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST, and so on). Each of the routes have different route handler functions, which are executed when the route is mathced.

'/tasks' - methods 'GET' and 'POST' '/tasks/taskId' - methods 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'

We required a controller so each of the routes methods can call it's respective handler function.

Start the project

Start MongoDB


Start server

npm run start