Task manager

Task manager for manage company personal. This is the backend part of the application. The frontend is located here.

  • The application supports login and registration. Authorization uses JWT (using localstorage).
  • Implemented creation, editing and deletion of task categories.
  • Implemented creation, editing and deletion of tasks.
  • The application uses a database MongoDB.

Backend uses:

  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Joi
  • Morgan



  • /register POST
  • /login POST
  • /current GET
  • /logout POST


  • / GET
  • / POST
  • /:id DELETE Parameter: id of category
  • /:id PATCH Parameter: id of category


  • /:id GET Parameter: id of category
  • /:id POST Parameter: id of category
  • /:id DELETE Parameter: id of task
  • /:id PUT Parameter: id of task