Just Me trying
Get an option to copy the current web address by right clicking on the home button.
Same as the URL in your browser.
Raw Link: Address.plugin.js
Show that you are typing on selected channel.
Show everyone as typing too. (Client-side only - Togglable in settings).
Raw Link: AlwaysTyping.plugin.js
Add background music to your Discord client.
This is useless. Use Spotify or YouTube instead.
Raw Link: BackgroundMusic.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by E-boi.
Crash BetterDiscord on command.
As Vanilla Loader is dead, this is best alternative.
Raw Link: BDCrasher.plugin.js
Add an option to the context menu of a message if it contains a GitHub link of a plugin or theme.
This plugin also works for updating and has a better effect if the plugin from the link is not in Plugin Repo.
Raw Link: BDGitHubDownloader.plugin.js
Convert text to bottom and send it with a slash command.
You can also convert bottom back to text with a slash command.
Raw Link: BetterBottom.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Bottom Software Foundation.
Evaluate JavaScript code locally.
Raw Link: BetterEval.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Pipythonmc.
A game activity toggle option in either the status picker or the user panel.
The position of the button can be configured in the plugin settings.
Raw Link: BetterGameActivityToggle.plugin.js
Inspired by a BetterDiscord plugin made by Mirco Wittrien.
Toggle plugins and themes using keybinds.
It's also possible to configure a keybind for the Custom CSS feature of BetterDiscord.
Raw Link: BetterKeybinds.plugin.js
Inspired by a BetterDiscord plugin made by square.
Add a slash command to send a random bunny girl GIF.
I made this plugin to make my girl a little sad. (Casual sadism)
Raw Link: BunnyGirls.plugin.js
Circumvent YouTube's embed restrictions.
You can change the instance in the plugin settings.
Raw Link: BypassYoutubeEmbedRestriction.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Nico.
Get an option to open Discord's DevTools by right clicking on the home button.
These are not normal browser devtools.
Raw Link: DevTools.plugin.js
A collection of bypasses and utilities in one plugin.
You can toggle them in the plugin settings.
Raw Link: DiscordBypasses.plugin.js
Get Discord's status from https://discordstatus.com using a slash command.
Only you can see the message returned by command.
Raw Link: DiscordStatus.plugin.js
Show that you are deafened to others, while in reality you can still hear them.
It's also possible to fake mute and fake video.
Raw Link: FakeDeafen.plugin.js
Fluent presence icons, designed by Microsoft.
For other fluent icons, install this theme by Stickfab.
Raw Link: FluentStatusIcons.plugin.js
Get an option to manage friend invites of your account by right clicking on the home button.
This is a new feature and is not fully implemented in Discord yet.
Raw Link: FriendInvites.plugin.js
Add a slash command to send a random cursed GIF.
I made this plugin because I'm a sadist.
Raw Link: GetCursed.plugin.js
I'm not allowed to put a cursed GIF on GitHub.
Easily join HypeSquad houses by right clicking on the home button.
(Yes, you can also leave the HypeSquad.)
Raw Link: HypeSquad.plugin.js
Easily insult people using a slash command.
The plugin gets its insults from https://insult.mattbas.org.
Raw Link: Insulter.plugin.js
Get your IP address in Discord using a slash command.
The response also returns some additional information related to your IP address.
Raw Link: IP.plugin.js
Get an option to mark all DMs and servers as read by right clicking on the home button.
You can also choose to individually mark DMs or servers as read with a sub menu.
Raw Link: MarkAllAsRead.plugin.js
Fix uncached user mentions, including in embeds.
Due to rate limits, this will only be triggered when you hover over a message.
Raw Link: MentionCacheFix.plugin.js
Ported from a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Albert Portnoy.
All the code is rightfully owned by Albert Portnoy. This is a ported plugin and the original license is attached underneath.
Get a confirmation when your message meets certain conditions.
Example 1: Attempting to send a message containing more than 3 mentions. Example 2: Attempting to send a message in a channel in which slowmode is enabled and enforced upon you.
Raw Link: MoreMessageConfirmations.plugin.js
Get an option to hide a message locally by right clicking on it.
Navigating to another channel or reloading Discord will restore the message.
Raw Link: MessageHider.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by FC.
Add a slash command to send a random neko GIF.
I made this plugin on request of SirSuperDeath.
Raw Link: Nekos.plugin.js
Backs up your settings and restores them in case Discord clears them after logging out or for other reasons.
This plugin is especially useful when using Discord's account switcher.
Raw Link: PersistSettings.plugin.js
Ported from a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Ven.
All the code is rightfully owned by Ven. This is a ported plugin and the original license is attached underneath.
Randomize ping numbers.
Useless, just like the author. //You shouldn't say that. -Robin
Raw Link: PingPong.plugin.js
Get a list of all enabled and disabled plugins using a slash command.
You can also choose to only show a list of enabled or disabled plugins.
Raw Link: PluginsInfo.plugin.js
Stream in SUPREME quality and ULTRA HIGH FPS.
The maximum capability is 2160p with 360 FPS.
This plugin is compatible with plugins like HideDisabledEmojis or Freemoji.
Raw Link: PremiumScreenShare.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by eternal.
Add a slash command to send a random rabbit GIF.
I made this plugin because my girl asked me to. (I love her so much.)
Raw Link: Rabbit.plugin.js
Solve the ping spikes.
This plugin attempts to disconnect/rejoin the voice chat if the ping goes above a certain threshold.
Raw Link: ReconnectVC.plugin.js
Ported from a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by sxturndev.
All the code is rightfully owned by sxturndev. This is a ported plugin and the original license is attached underneath.
Easily rejoin a voice chat you've recently left by clicking on a button.
This plugin is compatible with plugins like Game Activity Toggle.
Raw Link: RejoinVC.plugin.js
Ported from a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by TheShadowGamer.
All the code is rightfully owned by TheShadowGamer. This is a ported plugin and the original license is attached underneath.
Improve the readability of names if their color is (almost) the same as the background.
The plugin works by changing the color locally.
Raw Link: ShowNames.plugin.js
Add a slash command to send a random Star Wars GIF.
I made this plugin on request of Thunderrunner#3300.
Raw Link: StarWars.plugin.js
Add one or multiple counters between the home button and the server list.
The counters can show the amount of friends online, total amount of friends, the amount of incoming friend requests, blocked users, and amount of servers you're in.
Additionally, you can configure the counters to rotate automatically (with a customizable interval).
Raw Link: StatisticsCounter.plugin.js
Ported from a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by Harley.
All the code is rightfully owned by Harley. This is a ported plugin and the original license is attached underneath.
Get a list of all enabled and disabled themes using a slash command.
You can also choose to only show a list of enabled or disabled themes.
Raw Link: ThemesInfo.plugin.js
Change between voice activity and push-to-talk with a keybind.
I made this plugin on request of Mel. (He said he will sponsor.)
Raw Link: ToggleVoice.plugin.js
Get an option to copy your token by right clicking on the home button.
Do not share you token.
Raw Link: Token.plugin.js
A plugin to get UserBG banners on desktop.
This will be kept maintained as long as I am alive and mingle.
Raw Link: USRBG.plugin.js
Add a slash command to uwuify your text before sending it.
The >w< pwugin UwU which evewyone ;;w;; nyeeds. ;;w;;
Raw Link: uwuifier.plugin.js
Some useful tools for server administrators.
Affect everyone in a voice channel with just a click.
Raw Link: VoiceChatUtilities.plugin.js
Inspired by a Replugged/Powercord plugin made by dutake.
A repository for my plugins for BetterDiscord.
Some of the plugins have been ported from Replugged/Powercord.
Go to Raw Link of the plugin and press CTRL+S. Then save it to the plugins folder of BetterDiscord.
They are either beta plugins or plugins which are illegal.
In short: plugins not to be released.
Many of these plugins are ported from Replugged/Powercord. The original authors of these plugins have been given credits underneath the description of their plugins.
If you've made one of the Replugged/Powercord plugins and have not been given proper credit, then either DM me on Discord or make a pull request. (Issues work too.)
All links are fetched from Tenor using Tenor's API.
I don't care. Copy my plugins if you want to.
If the plugin was ported, then ask the original author before doing so.
The support server for all the plugins. You can join it here:
The reason this repository has started is because of a certain someone. The person saved me from dying. She is the reason I am here today. I loved her so much.
This all started with an NSFW bypass plugin, because my ex filled in her real birthday on Discord and couldn't access channels marked as NSFW.