Sure! Here's a simple code for an application that reminds the user to drink 2 liters of water per day:
water_goal = 2 # 2 liters
total_water_consumed = 0
while total_water_consumed < water_goal:
print(f"Total water consumed today: {total_water_consumed} liters")
drink_amount = float(input("Enter how much water you drank in liters: "))
if drink_amount <= 0:
print("Please enter a valid amount of water.")
elif total_water_consumed + drink_amount > water_goal:
print("You have exceeded your daily water limit. Please enter a lower amount.")
total_water_consumed += drink_amount
if total_water_consumed >= water_goal:
print("Congratulations! You have achieved your daily water goal of 2 liters.")
This code will keep track of the total water consumed by the user and remind them to drink water until they reach their daily goal of 2 liters. Feel free to customize or expand on this code to fit your application's needs!