
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Saga Garden

The saga continues with an epic garden of epicness!

Create database and table

Create a new database called garden and run the SQL in the database.sql file.

Development Setup Instructions

  • Run npm install
  • Start postgres if not running already
  • Run npm run server to start the server
  • Run npm run client to start the client
  • Navigate to localhost:3000

Lay of the Land

  • src/ contains the React application
  • public/ contains static assets for the client-side
  • build/ after you build the project, contains the transpiled code from src/ and public/ that will be viewed on the production site
  • server/ contains the Express App

Base Mode

  1. Add the redux-logger middleware to the project for debugging
  2. Add redux-sagas to the project to make an API request. The route http://localhost:5000/api/plant returns an array of plants. Display that array on the PlantList component on load.
  3. Add all of the plant fields to the form to allow adding a new plant to the database. The server post route to do this is available at http://localhost:5000/api/plant.
  4. Add a Delete button for each plant to allow it to be removed from the database. The server delete route to do this is available at http://localhost:5000/api/plant/1, for the plant with the id of 1.

Stretch Goals

  1. Add material-ui to the project to give the site an earthy color palette (green and brown?)
  2. Use react-router so that when a user navigates to http://localhost:3000/#/plant/1 it displays the details for a given plant. The server get route to do this is available at http://localhost:5000/api/plant/1. Research URL Parameters for React Router
  3. On the new detail view, allow editing the details for that plant. After a user changes the values on the DOM, the user should be able to click Save to allow it to be updated in the database. The server put route to do this is available at http://localhost:5000/api/plant for the plant with the id of 1.
  4. Make the individual plant page editable (use inputs) and add a save button for each plant to allow it to be edited in the database.


  1. Create a new Heroku project
  2. Link the Heroku project to the project GitHub Repo
  3. Create an Herkoku Postgres database
  4. Connect to the Heroku Postgres database from Postico
  5. Create the necessary tables
  6. In the deploy section, select manual deploy