To Do List


Duration: 2.5 weeks

This is my weekend project of creating a To Do List. The objective was to create an app that would track a list of things to do. You would be able to add to the list, delete certain tasks from the list, and/or mark certain tasks complete. The app will also be styled in CSS.

This project is also the first during the bootcamp to be considered a fullstack app as before we only did bits and pieces of the front and backend.

The main issues I faced along the way during creating this was implementing React as we had just learned it, I leaned heavily into my instructors office hours and communication channels to get extra help. The CSS styling I left for the end leaves alot to be desired but I have not done much in CSS and need more practice on it.

Built With

  1. Javascript
  2. CSS
  3. React
  4. PostgreSQL


Thanks to Prime Digital Academy who equipped and helped me to make this application a reality.


If you have suggestions or issues, please email me at