
How many months until the Rabbits take over earth?

Primary LanguageJava


How many months until the Rabbits take over earth?

Rabbits are known for their fast breeding, but how soon will they dominate the earth?

Starting with a small population of male and female rabbits we have to figure out how long it will take for them to outnumber humans 2:1.

Every month a fertile female will have 14 offspring (5 males and 9 females).

A female rabbit is fertile when it has reached the age of 4 months, they never stop being fertile.

Rabbits die at the age of 8 years (96 months).

[Only Takes Integer Input] INPUT: (Number of Initial Males) (Number of Initial Females) (Total needed to surpass humans)

Output: Total Final Pop, Total time taken, Total dead rabbits, Total Males & Females