A simple emoji picker for Linux Mint 21.1 "Vera" (or other versions) using Python with a PyQt5 GUI.
Emoji menu opens with CTRL+Shift+E.
Either head over to the latest release page to download the zip directly,
or from your terminal with this command:
curl -sL "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Svxy/mint-emojis/releases/latest | grep 'browser_' | grep 'Mint.Emojis.zip' | cut -d\" -f4)" -o "Mint.Emojis.zip"
If you are new to python development or have a completely outdated version of python, an install script is provided in this repo to install Python 3.10 and the project requirements.
git clone https://github.com/Svxy/mint-emojis
cd mint-emojis
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make whatever changes you want. (Be sure to include the output binary file in your pull request)
pyinstaller main.py --name "Mint Emojis" --icon "assets/icon.ico" --onefile --clean --windowed --noconsole