
Appointment Picker - a tiny JavaScript timepicker that helps you pick appointments

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Appointment Picker

A lightweight, accessible and customizable javascript timepicker widget. Accessibility is based on ARIA properties and keyboard support. The styling is kept simple and can be easily modified.

Yet another timepicker? - Advantages

  • no dependencies
  • tiny (6KB minified, 2KB gzipped)
  • can be used as jQuery pluin or standalone
  • only the listed times can be picked or entered
  • comes in 2 variations
See Appointment-Picker Demo and Examples


npm install --save appointment-picker


Add both the stylesheet and the script

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/appointment-picker.css">
<script src="js/appointment-picker.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    new AppointmentPicker(...);

AMD / CommonJS wrapper

Appointment-Picker supports AMD and CommonJS import

// CommonJS (Node, Browserify, Webpack)
const AppointmentPicker = require('appointment-picker');

// AMD (RequireJS)
require(['appointment-picker'], function(AppointmentPicker) {
  new AppointmentPicker(...);

Use as jQuery plugin

If you would like to use the appointment-picker as a jQuery plugin add following code before initializing

// To use appointmentPicker as jQuery plugin
$.fn.appointmentPicker = function(options) {
  this.appointmentPicker = new AppointmentPicker(this[0], options);
  return this;

Now you can initialize the picker on any text input field

<input id="time-1" type="text">
var $picker = $('#time-1').appointmentPicker();

Use without any dependency

If you don't want any dependency, you can initialize the picker just like that

<input id="time-2" type="text" value="10:00">
var picker = new AppointmentPicker(document.getElementById('time-2'), {});


The appointment-picker can be configured with options

  • interval sets the interval between appointments in minutes (1-60), if this number gets lower (more possible appointments) the picker will get longer
  • mode the picker can be used in standard 24h hour mode or in 12h mode - the latter uses am/pm postfix
  • minTime sets the minimum hour that can be picked, default is 0 what is eqivalent to 12am
  • maxTime sets the maximum hour that can be picked, default is 24
  • startTime hides all appointments below this hour, default is 0
  • endTime hides all appointments above this hour, default is 24
  • disabled array of disabled appointments, i.e. ['10:30', '1:15pm', ...] - these times cannot be selected or entered and will be skipped using the keyboard arrows
  • large increases the size of the picker and the appointments by setting a is-large modifier
  • static if true, the picker gets rendered on initialization into the dom, open/close events are not registered, the picker is always visible (see example)
  • title defines the picker's heading

Note: with startTime and endTime appointments below and above can be visually removed. If startTime is greater than minTime a lower time can still be manually set via the keyboard. On the other hand the picker does not accept lower hours than minTime and higher than maxTime. Manually entered times outside of the defined bounds will be rejected by the picker, no extra validation is therefore needed (example). Entering an empty string into the input resets the time.

Pass the options into the the AppointmentPicker call or the jQuery plugin call

var picker = new AppointmentPicker(document.getElementById('time-2'), {
  interval: 30,
  mode: '12h',
  minTime: 09,
  maxTime: 22,
  startTime: 08,
  endTime: 24,
  disabled: ['16:30', '17:00'],
  large: true

// With jQuery
  interval: 15


The appointment-picker exposes several functions to change its behaviour from outside (example). You can both use it with or without jQuery. While using jQuery always remember to add $pickerReference.appointmentPicker.functionName() to your picker reference.

To get the current time programatically from a picker instance use

// without jQuery
// or access the picker instance of the jQuery object
$picker.appointmentPicker.getTime(); // i.e. { h: 15, m: 30 }

To programatically open a picker instance call


To set a time of a picker instance (empty string resets the time)


To close it


To destroy the picker instance and remove both the markup and all event listeners



Appointment-picker exposes an event for hooking into the functionality. The event change.appo.picker contains a property time and is triggered on each successful value change (event example)

document.body.addEventListener('change.appo.picker', function(e) { var time = e.time; }, false);


All appointment-picker styles are namespaced with .appo-picker, i.e. .appo-picker-list-item. Depending on your project, you can either overwrite them using your own CSS or by modifying the provided CSS.


For screen reader support add both a aria-label and aria-live properties on the input field

<input id="time-1" type="text" aria-live="assertive" aria-label="Use up or down arrow keys to change time">

Best practices

  • appointment-picker neither installs any event listeners outside of the input nor it adds any dom elements until it is opened by the user
  • it can be destroyed using its the exposed destroy method that causes all event listeners and dom elements to be removed (i.e. if used in a single page application)
  • there is automated testing (Mocha and Chai) to assert that the exposed core functions and the date parser behave correctly (see specs page)

Browser Support (tested)

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (macOS 10 & iOS 9)
  • Edge
  • IE11 / IE10

Author & License

  • Jan Suwart | MIT License