Hardcore Tetris

A classical Tetris with a twist, this Tetris is competitive with having multiplayer support.

Getting Started


For Hardcore Tetris you'll need to have: 1 . Node.js - You'll need this to run the server which this application uses to run. 2. NPM - This is the package manager this project is using. 3. GIT Bash - This is needed so you can download the project files.

Downoading Project Files

To download the project to your local machine you need to install GIT to your local machine. After you have installed the git bash to your machine start it and write to the command line

cd /d <The location on your PC you want the file to download to>

and then

git clone https://github.com/Swackles/HK_HardcoreTetris.git

this will download the project to your local machine.

Setting up

Now that you have downloaded git repository you're almost ready to run the application. But first you need to install all of the dependencies this application uses. For that first go into the file.

cd HK_HardcoreTetris

Once you're in the directory with the code files you need to download all the dependencies.

npm install

If all goes well the dependencies are now all installed. Next up is just running the application.

node app

Now you're application should be running and by entering localhost:5000 into the address bar you should see the game.

Built With

  • Pug.js - Used to create the frontend.
  • Express.js - Used to create the server of the application

Extra links