This repository houses a versatile, object-oriented database model, designed for Node.js. It handles all your database needs with a simple interface, providing an easy-to-use API with a variety of powerful features.
- Map/Set, BigInt, Symbol, and Recursive Object Handling: The model is equipped to handle more than just the simple data types, you can also work with Map/Set, BigInt, Symbol, and even recursive objects.
- In-Memory Data Store: this database stores data in memory, providing extremely fast access times.
- File System Based Persistence: We have a subclass of the Database that is designed to persistently store your data on the filesystem, allowing you to save and load data as needed.
- Efficient Indexing and Lookups: There is built-in indexing to provide fast lookup of records.
- ACID Transaction: The model supports transactions. This means you can perform a series of operations as a single atomic unit, and it will ensure consistency and isolation of each transaction.
- Auto-Generated Unique Identifiers: The model also includes an auto-incrementing numeric unique ID for each record added to a table.
import { Database, FSDatabase } from './database';
const db = new Database();
const fsDb = new FSDatabase('./myData.json');
db.createTable('users', ['name', 'email']);
db.addRecord('users', { name: 'John', email: '' });
const userRecords = db.getRecordsByColumn('users', 'name', 'John');
const db = new Database();
// Create a table with indices
db.createTable('users', ['name', 'email']);
// Check if an index exists
const indexExists = db.indexExists('users', 'email'); // true
// Add an index to an existing table
db.addIndex('users', 'age');
// Remove an index from a table
db.removeIndex('users', 'age');
const db = new Database();
try {
// Add some records
db.addRecord('users', { name: 'John' });
db.addRecord('users', { name: 'Jane' });
// Commit the transaction
} catch (error) {
// Rollback the transaction in case of any errors
const record = { name: 'John' };
// Add a record
db.addRecord('users', record);
// Remove a record
db.removeRecord('users', record);