
Efficient neural feature detector and descriptor

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT




Python 3.6.1 is required. You will be asked to provide a path to an experiment directory (containing the training and prediction outputs, referred as $EXPER_DIR) and a dataset directory (referred as $DATA_DIR). Create them wherever you wish and make sure to provide their absolute paths. Path Setup should be modified in train.sh. To Submit Job on Leonhard Cluster, use the following command. For Details about command, please refer to Leonhard Cluster Tutorial

bsub -W 24:00 -n 8 -R "rusage[mem=4500,scratch=10000,ngpus_excl_p=1]" -R "select[gpu_model0==TeslaV100_SXM2_32GB]" ./train.sh bash

MS-COCO 2014 and HPatches should be downloaded into $DATA_DIR. The Synthetic Shapes dataset will also be generated there. The folder structure should look like after semantic and depth generated:

|-- COCO
|   |-- semantic
|   |-- depth
|   |-- train2014
|   |   |-- file1.jpg
|   |   `-- ...
|   `-- val2014
|       |-- file1.jpg
|       `-- ...
`-- HPatches
|   |-- i_ajuntament
|   `-- ...
`-- synthetic_shapes  # will be automatically created
`-- MegaDepth_V1
|   |-- 0000
|   |   |-- denseX |--imgs
|   |   |          |--semantic
|   |   |          |--depth
|   |   |
|       `-- ...


All commands should be executed within the superpoint/ subfolder. When training a model or exporting its predictions, you will often have to change the relevant configuration file in superpoint/configs/. Both multi-GPU training and export are supported. Note that MagicPoint and SuperPoint only work on images with dimensions divisible by 8 and the user is responsible for resizing them to a valid dimension

To prepare depth and semantic for COCO and MegaDepth

For semantics, run

cd MegaDepth_tf2_0
python inference_mega_dataset.py --data_path DATA_PATH --dataset [coco/megadepth]

Weights for megadepth can be downloaded from this link Google Drive

For depth, run

cd PSPNet_tf2_0
python inference_eager_dataset.py --data_path DATA_PATH --dataset [coco/megadepth]

1) Training MagicPoint on Synthetic Shapes

python experiment.py train configs/magic-point_shapes.yaml magic-point_synth

where magic-point_synth is the experiment name, which may be changed to anything. The training can be interrupted at any time using Ctrl+C and the weights will be saved in $EXPER_DIR/magic-point_synth/. The Tensorboard summaries are also dumped there. When training for the first time, the Synthetic Shapes dataset will be generated.

2) Exporting detections on MS-COCO

python export_detections.py configs/magic-point_coco_export.yaml magic-point_synth --pred_only --batch_size=5 --export_name=magic-point_coco-export1

This will save the pseudo-ground truth interest point labels to $EXPER_DIR/outputs/magic-point_coco-export1/. You might enable or disable the Homographic Adaptation in the configuration file.

3) Training GreatPoint on MS-COCO

python experiment.py train configs/great-point_coco_train.yaml great-point_coco

You will need to indicate the paths to the interest point labels in magic-point_coco_train.yaml by setting the entry data/labels, for example to outputs/magic-point_coco-export1. You might repeat steps 2) and 3) several times.

4) Evaluating the repeatability on HPatches

python export_detections_repeatability.py configs/mega-point_repeatability.yaml mega-point_coco --export_name=mega-point_hpatches-repeatability-v

You will need to decide whether you want to evaluate for viewpoint or illumination by setting the entry data/alteration in the configuration file. The predictions of the image pairs will be saved in $EXPER_DIR/outputs/mega-point_hpatches-repeatability-v/. To proceed to the evaluation, head over to notebooks/detector_repeatability_hpatches.ipynb. You can also evaluate the repeatability of the classical detectors using the configuration file classical-detectors_repeatability.yaml.

6) Training of MegaPoint on MS-COCO

Once you have trained Great with several rounds of homographic adaptation (one or two should be enough), you can export again the detections on MS-COCO as in step 2) and use these detections to train SuperPoint by setting the entry data/labels:

python experiment.py train configs/megapoint_coco.yaml megapoint_coco

7) Evaluation of the descriptors with homography estimation on HPatches

python export_descriptors.py configs/megapoint_hpatches.yaml megapoint_coco --export_name=megapoint_hpatches-v

You will need to decide again whether you want to evaluate for viewpoint or illumination by setting the entry data/alteration in the configuration file. The predictions of the image pairs will be saved in $EXPER_PATH/outputs/superpoint_hpatches-v/. To proceed to the evaluation, head over to notebooks/descriptors_evaluation_on_hpatches.ipynb. You can also evaluate the repeatability of the classical detectors using the configuration file classical-descriptors.yaml.


This implementation was based on SuperPoint implemented by Rémi Pautrat and Paul-Edouard Sarlin.