
This is a repository for creating issue to my papers through my tweet.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a app creating a paper issue that we should read through my tweet.

Build Status codecov Maintainability Test Coverage codebeat badge Codacy Badge



  • Tweet or Retweet a message that contains URL of arxiv.
  • This app creates an issue which includes the title, authors, abstract, URL to this repository instead of you.

Getting Started

These instuctions will get you how I deploy thie app for my repository. If you want to deploy this for your repository and for your twitter account, you need to set the configration file for them.


  • Python 3.6.1 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
  • tweepy
  • beautifulsoup4
  • lxml


    git clone https://github.com/Swall0w/arxiv-bot
    make build
    make install

Running the tests

    make test


Before you launch the script, make sure that your configration file is correctly written like bellow, Modify these parameter for your twitter account and github account.

    mv scripts/user.conf.bak scripts/user.conf
    cat scripts/user.conf

    consumer_key = hoge
    consumer_secret = fuga
    access_key = bar
    access_secret = foo

    repo_owner = repository_owner_name
    repo_name = repository_name
    username = your_github_name
    password = your_github_password

After setting the configration file, you launch the app.

    cd scripts
    python3 main.py


  • Swall0w


  • MIT License