Dotfiles, personalized

I believe dotfiles have to be built ground up, and personalized. This will reduce bloat and ghostly features that are triggered randomly. 👻😂

Quick links

  • Screenshots
  • Install
  • TODO (for my own reference)

My Configuration:

Category Choice
WM i3-wm, i3-lock, i3-bar, gdm
Font Hack (for terminal), Noto
CLI Alacritty, Neovim
Others Firefox Nightly, Emacs (Doom?)

Screenshots (WIP)


Update: (08 Dec 2019): Tried and tested on Ubuntu 19.10. Only requires sudo password once at the start.



  • update-alternative: set nvim as default vim
  • create a server script (no sudo access, only cli stuff)
  • failure tolerance (not rerunning stuff again)
  • auto deal with cron scripts (with setup clonning etc)