
This technology allows students solve complicated problems quickly and in an efficient manner.

Primary LanguageHTML

This technology allows students solve complicated problems quickly and in an efficient manner. Additionally, it can reduce the problem to simpler tasks and allows the student to devote more time in understanding the problem. Secondly, they are saved from monotonous calculations and the same boring mundane procedure. The above advantages help students to avoid boredom, and it does not demoralize their mathematical understanding. If mathematics is not made entertaining, pupils can feel bored, and it can demoralize their mathematical understanding. it will help you to solve complex calculations very easliy and accurately. This project is a basically term known as calculator We have made a project known as calculator using of Some famous Computer language such as HTML5, CSS, Javascript and in the editor Microsoft VS code There is one file known as index.html in that we have made a website basic design using table inside body tag In a.css we have design our website in beautiful manner which is now assemble as a physical calculator In index.js we have added event handler function and all

In future,we can add age calculator or unit convertor and many more features like this . So Stay Tuned and Star the Project :)