
Prototyping a Chatbot using Jack the Reader

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prototyping a Chatbot

Conversational AI Systems have seen a meteoric rise in the past few years as Deep Learning Techniques offered increasingly accurate solutions for problems relating to language understanding. We present a model for prototyping chatbots developed using state-of-the-art technology in an attempt to offer a simple, clean interface for researchers developing solutions in this domain.

Example: Context-based Question-Answering System

In this end-to-end pipeline we demonstrate how to build a context-based question answering system using Jack the Reader. Note that you can switch your model from FastQA (used here) to others trained on different datasets and plug it into the Django View to change the use-case/model which will accordingly modify your chatbot.


  • Clone this repository

      $ git clone https://github.com/SwapneelM/Protobot.git
  • Create a Python3 virtual environment (we've named it 'venv' here)

      $ virtualenv -p python3 venv
      $ source venv/bin/activate  # or activate.csh depending on your platform
  • Install the requirements

      $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Download some data (here, we use the Stanford QA and GloVe datasets)

      $ cd Protobot/
      $ ./data/SQuAD/download.sh
      $ ./data/GloVe/download.sh
  • To play around, download the pretrained models

      $ wget -O fastqa.zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb796uljoqj0lvo/fastqa.zip?dl=1
      $ unzip fastqa.zip && mv fastqa fastqa_reader
  • Run the migrations for creating the database for the django webapp

      $ python manage.py makemigrations
      $ python manage.py migrate
  • Run the server and visit localhost:8000 on your browser to see the result

      $ python manage.py runserver
  • Of course, you can always train your own model(s)

      $ python3 bin/jack-train.py with train='data/SQuAD/train-v1.1.json' dev='data/SQuAD/dev-v1.1.json' reader='fastqa_reader' \
      > repr_dim=300 dropout=0.5 batch_size=64 seed=1337 loader='squad' save_dir='./fastqa_reader' epochs=20 \
      > with_char_embeddings=True embedding_format='memory_map_dir' embedding_file='data/GloVe/glove.840B.300d.memory_map_dir' vocab_from_embeddings=True

or using a pre-defined configuration

	$ python3 bin/jack-train.py with config='./conf/qa/squad/fastqa.yaml'
  • Refer to the documentation for Jack the Reader for more information on playing around with the models.


Provide the Context Paragraph to the System

  • You can also provide a document instead of plaintext as context, check out custom_test.py for reference on how to read from a document.

Provide the Context to the System

Ask Away!

Ask your Question


This app draws mainly from two sources used as building blocks for the context-based question answering system:

  1. Jack the Reader: A Machine Reading Comprehension framework by Dirk Weissenborn et. al

  2. Chat with Iron Man, by Kurt Lopez

Developed By CC Developers

Shameless Plug: Check out our student community and their projects, DJ Unicode!