
Kimaye is a fruits and vegetable brand that operates online. My team and I made a perfect replica of their website.

Primary LanguageHTML


Deployed link:https://kimaye0clone.netlify.app/

Kimaye is a fruits and vegetable brand that operates online. My team and I made a perfect replica of their website.


Group Project

Kimaye is a fruits and vegetable brand that operates online. My team and I made a perfect replica of their website.

Tech Stack


Team Members

Ajay Singh

Swapnil Yeutkar

Mohd Anas Quaraishi

Ayush verma


End to end user purchase flow.

search functionality for particular product

chat functionality

Signup and login functionality

Navbar, header, footer

adding and removing from the cart.

Area of Responsibility

Responsible for navbar and Product pages .

developing landing page

Landing Page :

The landing page where user can see different section which is related to fruits.

login page :

Here we can add fruits and vegetables for checkout.

cart page :

Here we can add fruits and vegetables for checkout.

Footer Section :

There is footer page where the user see terms and condition and connected to our social sites.