- Used "GameObject" Unity feature to create the bird and pipe view.
- Used "C-sharp" to create scripts of different objects.
- Used "Prefab" feature of Unity to create other pipes of same size.
- Used "Logic Script" to create logic of iterating player score with each pipe the bird passes.
- Used "PipeSpawn Script" to spawn pipes after each other in different sizes or can say location as per single view.
- Used "PipeMiddle Script" to create a hit effect and increament of score when bird passes between pipes.
- Used "Scene Management" feature to create a restart/play-again button to start game again when game is over.
- Used "Tag" feature to have interaction between prefab and other scripts.
- While creating github repo for a project related to Unity or other softwares, we need to make sure to include .gitignore file before uploading the files of the project.