RPA project to analyze the time duration between which maximum employees are stressed out so that companies could take steps to improve the condition
- opencv
- azure
- json
- Create account on azure.
- Sign in for face api in cognitive services
- Sign in for azure storage
Enter details of your azure api in "python code for step 5.py"
- Create the variables as mentioned in the photos of teh folder "variables used in bot 1"
- Create actions as defined from pics 1 to 8 and in the same order.
NOTE: In the code as mentioned in "python file in step5.py" Please change the account name , account key and container name as per your azure storage api and change the user name in creating folder according to the computer's user name
Enter details of your azure api in "python code for step2.py" in required fields Enter details of your face api in "python code for step3.py" in required fields
- Create actions in rpa as defined in pics from 1 to 8 in the same order.
- "csv.png" shows the sample csv that will be generated "graph.png" shows the sample graph based on a sample data "local device.png" shows how the files will be downloaded in the local machine
NOTE: In the code as mentioned in "python code for step2.py" Please chnage ,, as per your azure storage api Please change as per uour computer's user name.
Demo Video Link : https://youtu.be/ut2KyHXy-bQ