
This program is used to define a Wikimedia image as background image. It downloads, resize and crop to fit to your screen. It also adds a description of what it is

Primary LanguageC


This program is used to define a Wikimedia image as background image. It downloads, resize and crop to fit to your screen. It also adds a description of what it is.


To compile this software, you will need to run cmake. Some libraries are also required : ImageMagick, curl. If you have X11, you can also enable USE_X11 option, which provide a screen size detection.


To run the program, move to bin then run ./wikimage. If you want to use it as your desktop background image, run it once, then set your desktop image as the image you want (See Naming for more informations about what is what).


This is what each image name stands for :

  • Image.png : Image downloaded from Wikimedia
  • Scaled_image.png : Image scaled to fit to the screen (made from Image.png)
  • Croped_image.png : Image croped to be at the exact size of the screen (made from Scale_image.png)
  • Text_image.png : Image containing a text description of the image (made from Croped_image.png)