
Largescale API for ed-tech platform named DevCamper. This API handles all request on backend ranging from authentication to registering user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Devcamper API

Largescale API for ed-tech platform named Devcamper. This API handles all request including main functionailty ranging from authentication to registering user. This API could now be used to build web applications using frontend frameworks like React, Angular or Vue.


Replace "config/config.env.env" file to "config/config.env" and update the settings to your development environment.

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run Application

# Run in development mode
npm run dev

# Run in production mode
npm start

Additional Information

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • License: MIT

Future To Do's:

  • NodeMailer bulk mail.
  • Extend support for API_KEY for restricted RBA use.
  • Extend support for OAuth2.0.