Joseph Goerner


Project Planning

I as a junior data scientest was given the task to find logerror in the 2017 housing data. I first asked a question about logerror, what is logerror? I came up with the formula >logerror = log (Zestimate) − log (ActualSalePrice), and off to the data I went, I followed my mvp steps and steps to reproduce and spent the last 5 days digging and cleaning to find any new information I could find I created a model that perfomed %0.0003 improvment over base line. I just continued to think and work until my deadline approched.

Steps to reproduce

Events in sequence

  1. Import , from the codeup sql and use your log information.
  2. Acquire Data
  3. Clean, Prep and Split Data
  4. Explore Data
  • Hypothesis Testing
  1. Evaluation of Data
  2. Modeling
  • Mvp, Identify Baseline
  • Train and Validate
  • We Test our best
  1. Conclusion and Recomindations

Data Dictionary

-LA'- one of the dummy files I created for county

-Orange - one of the dummy files I created for county

-Ventura - one of the dummy files I created for county

-fips - The tax codes for the county

-latitude - map cordinates for the countys

-longitude'- map cordinates for the countys

-sqft - house square feet

-lot_sqft- area around the house sqft

-zip_code- the zipcode for the houses in the counties

-property_quality'- how the house holds up in terms of quality

-home_age' - How long the house has been since it has been built

-logerror' - logerror = log (Zestimate) − log (ActualSalePrice)

-structure_value'- the actual home or structure value

-bedrooms - the number on how many bedrooms there are

-bathrooms'- the number on how many bathrooms there are

-land_value - the value of the land in a dollar amount

-structure_dollar_per_sqft'- the mean cost of how much a house is worth per sqft

-land_dollar_per_sqft'- the mean cost of how much the area around the house cost

-bed_bath_ratio', bed and bath ratio that is used with outliers removed

-avgqualityavgage', - a home of avrage quality

-poor_quality_old_age', a poor quality home

-avq_quality_young_age', a avg quality home, but a young age life

-avg_quality_old_age', a ave quality home, but old age life

-bestest' - the bestested for my clusters and age specimen

Executive Summary:

Project Goals- To identify drivers of error in the Zestimate in order to improve accuracy of predicting home values, with the help of Ml and clustering models.

logerror = log (Zestimate) − log (ActualSalePrice)

In this presention I will attack and perform the heavy proccess of Cluster analysis on the logerror values from the year of 2017, to predict future homeprices. I will also be searching for the key drives of logerror, This turned out to be

  • 'sqft', -'lot_sqft',
  • 'bedrooms',
  • 'bathrooms',
  • 'structure_dollar_per_sqft',
  • 'land_dollar_per_sqft',
  • 'poor_quality_old_age',
  • 'avq_quality_young_age' -'longitude'

I created a ols regressor model with a %0.0003 effective improvement over my baseline so I as a data scientist would recommend further analysis with my model.


          RMSE using Median
          Train/In-Sample: 0.164122
          Validate/Out-of-Sample: 0.166928
RMSE for OLS using LinearRegression

Test/Out-of-Sample Performance: 0.161775


  • Los Angeles County, California (6037)
  • Orange County, California (6059)
  • Ventura County, California (6111)


1.Fail to reject the null hypothesis // home_age and logerror. There is a linear relationship. Although, it is a negative weak one.

2.Reject null statment: No correlation between lot_sqft and logerror. There is a linear relationship. Although, it is a positive weak one.

3.Fail to reject the null hypothesis // No correlation between home_value and logerror.

-LA: 0.014516765820273388

-Orange: 0.01786707488534417

-Ventura: 0.013923148212340804

  1. All three counties rejected the null hypothiesis