- 0
Font color and ad
#1191 opened by silentgamer557 - 4
choice "PDF split" crashes program instantly
#1153 opened by Gopherx1 - 2
- 2
- 4
- 0
it's not android 14 supported
#1190 opened by thepranjalnarola - 0
#1189 opened by shockergit - 3
Feature Request: Landscape images
#1176 opened by zhengliw - 0
Pro version removed from Play Store
#1183 opened by kdyzlospotkasoba - 0
Arabic Translation
#1185 opened by u7253836 - 1
Reorder Pages: Selecting a file from the recent section
#1164 opened by Fetyali7 - 3
Unable to merge pdf in Work Profile
#1133 opened by matte22ladde - 1
Navigation menu doesn't highlight the correct page that is currently open
#1163 opened by jesseythach - 6
UI improvement
#1169 opened by kranthivakati - 0
UI Improvement && bug
#1171 opened by kranthivakati - 0
#1170 opened by kranthivakati - 0
Offering Translation Support for Arabic Documentation
#1168 opened by haqbany - 4
No permissions to enable on android
#1156 opened by zachgeller - 0
Discussion: Need opinion on updating this repo!
#1165 opened by codegsaini - 0
Wrong page showing and no response on the page (bug)
#1160 opened by jesseythach - 0
Unsupported Chrome OS Hardware Feature
#1159 opened by foivospro - 3
Spanish translation
#1157 opened by NeryGaldamez - 5
Selecting Multiple Images is Missing,
#1118 opened by vishal9sep - 2
Change code base to use React Native
#1155 opened by lighthedark - 3
Out Dated Technology with no maintenance
#1098 opened by rahuljindaltech - 2
Add Support for Bengali Language
#1139 opened by omkarnale88 - 7
Photo picker glitches when trying to change album
#1131 opened by Tombstone2K - 8
Scan QR code from saved picture
#1101 opened by Theo-Stefan - 4
Access to specific folder
#1129 opened by Barmem - 5
images only in png format, add jpg and jpeg
#1103 opened by stefanif2002 - 3
Outdated Icon format
#1130 opened by Tombstone2K - 1
Alternate to Travis CI
#1126 opened by Swati4star - 5
- 2
Add Support for Greek language
#1099 opened by ApostolidouK - 4
- 0
Has Security vulnerabilities
#1128 opened by Stu75e - 0
it not open pdf?
#1102 opened by SultanAyubi360 - 1
Need active maintenance !
#1107 opened by codegsaini - 0
Extra white space that doesn't follow style
#1110 opened by Nick-Stoyanov - 5
Potentially vulnerable PDF library used
#1083 opened by SkewedZeppelin - 2
Add traditional Chinese support for software
#1068 opened by TOM8961 - 4
In Pdf To Img feature,img seems doesn't save correctly
#1066 opened by TOM8961 - 2
Language selection switching function
#1065 opened by TOM8961 - 0
Can't load zip file in 'Zip To PDF'
#1078 opened by haodi19 - 2
In PDF to Images function, feature "View Images in Gallery" could not show generated images in gallery.
#1058 opened by haodi19 - 1
Feature Request: Edit images using quadrilateral selection in image to PDF
#1063 opened by VincentHe12 - 1
- 1
The APP continously crashes due to OOM
#1061 opened by Leosang-lx - 0
Converting large image to pdf causes app to crash
#1059 opened by deepoceansame - 3
The program may need a check step
#1056 opened by lotjjj