A Flask application for pothole detection using YOLOV4 , OpenCV & Mongo-DB

Architecture Used:-

ComputerVision, ObjectDetection, YOLOV4, OpenCV, html, Flask api, etc..


How to run (Local Server) :-

a) In PyCharm, go to settings choose Python interpreter & create a new environment with Python 3.6 or 3.7(as these two works better).

b) Open Anaconda prompt & there create a new environment by using the command--

conda create –n ‘env_name’ python==3.6.5

Activate your Environment by using the command--

  conda activate ‘env_name’

2. Install requirements.txt by using the command--

    pip install requirements.txt

3. a) In PyCharm just simply right click & run “main.py” file.

b) In Prompt use the command –

    python app.py # Real Time Pothole Detector