
A web application where asexual individuals can interact and be themselves in a safe online space.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The most prominent intent that we had in while while developing this project is that asexuality, even now, is not just an underrepresented sexuality but also rather an unacknowledged one even. There are places for straight or even to a small extent the LGBT to connect with their fellows online and have heart to heart conversations with their peers. Dating apps are available for most sexualities, as in GRUFF, Tinder and others. However, asexuality is still unfortunately very underrepresented. Therefore, through this web application, we have tried to help provide a safe space for aces to be themselves and connect.

How we built it

We made the front end side of the website using HTML 5, CSS 3, JS and Bootstrap framework. The peer chat room itself has been built using Socket.io and Node.js.

Demo Links