Sway is a new computer language based off of Rust - forked from mathletedev/rust-ml. This repository uses Sway to build a neural network from scratch without libraries to demonstration its capabilities.
- Non-funded
- created by the Discord user Sway#0727 - a vegan developer
- while this project isn't specifically about veganism - it's used to give vegans skills needed to produce vegan projects later down to the line.
- i.e - will be used for activism one day
- the fundamental framework computing language to build with and from.
- i.e - will be used for activism one day
- https://medium.com/coinmonks/representing-neural-network-with-vectors-and-matrices-c6b0e64db9fb
- https://datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/75855/what-types-of-matrix-multiplication-are-used-in-machine-learning-when-are-they
These files (located within this repository) are for further reading to learn more about this project (i.e. a continuation of this readme file):
- getting started guide.md
- backlog.md
- updates.md