WiznetLoader =========== Python script which will talk to the custom SweetPeas bootloader. Original Version (stm32loader) by: Ivan A-R <ivan@tuxotronic.org> Modified version by: P Oldberg (pontus@sweetpeas.se) Usage: ./wnloader.py [-hqVewvr] [-l length] [-p port] [-b baud] [-a addr] [file.bin] -h This help -q Quiet -V Verbose -e Erase -w Write -v Verify -r Read -l length Length of read -p port Serial port (default: /dev/tty.usbserial-ftCYPMYJ) -b baud Baud speed (default: 115200) -a addr Target address ./wnloader.py -e -w -v example/main.bin Example: wnloader.py -e -w -v somefile.bin This will pre-erase flash, write somefile.bin to the flash on the device, and then perform a verification after writing is finished.
Python script to load firmware using SweetPeas custom Wiznet Boot Loader