
WDI in class app.

Primary LanguageRuby


Create a task tracking application using Ruby on Rails for the back-end (server) to persist the tasks to the database, and JavaScript on the front-end (browser). The JavaScript should use jQuery and make AJAX requests to the server which will return JavaScript to update the page without a page reload.

The user (no user login or model is needed) should be able to add a task item, see all current task items, and mark task items as completed and also delete them.

Rails and Javascript Ajax flow

This ToDo app handles 4 events:

  1. Page load
  2. New task submission
  3. Task completion
  4. Deleting a task

These events are handled through making ajax calls to the Rails back end. The first two, page load and new task submission, make json requests. We'll then write a function for generating and appending the task HTML from this json resonse and send it to the client in aplication.js.

Since the last two events require DOM manipulation but don't return any data we make those request the javascript (.js) to do the DOM manipulation.

###Step by Step Instructions

  1. Review the migrations and Task model for this application. Note the default state of the 'completed' field.
  2. Run bundle install and rake db:migrate from the bash prompt.
  3. Create TasksController actions (index, create, complete and destroy).
  4. Create the routes needed for the TasksController actions.
  5. Review the basic DOM setup for the home page (/app/views/tasks/index.html.erb). No modification needed.
  6. Create some seed data for the tasks and seed the database.
  7. Run rake db:seed from the bash prompt to populate the database with seed data.
  8. Make the TasksController#index action respond to json requests with json containing the array from Task.all.
  9. When the DOM is ready make an ajax call to the TasksController#index action with adataType setting set to json.
  10. For now use console.log in the above ajax call's .done() to see the result is an array of javascript objects.
  11. Make a function that takes a 'task' JavaScript object as an argument
  12. Setup a jQuery DOM representation of the task object
  13. Set the htmlTask elements data-id attribute to the tasks id
  14. Append htmlTask either to the #todo-items list or the #completed-items list
  15. Note .click() event handlers to the complete and delete buttons that will later make ajax requests to the server - but don't fill it out yet
  16. Rewrite the .done() method in step 10 so that it loops through the elements in the ajax response object and passes each to the new append task function
  17. Make a javascript object task that will have a name attribute
  18. Set the name attribute to the value of the text in the input field
  19. Make the click event send a json object to the TasksController#create action using AJAX
  20. Use the method console.log on the result in the .done() to see that it will return a JavaScript task object after the next steps.
  21. In TasksController#create, instantiate a new Task object, filling in the name parameter and save it.
  22. In TasksController#create, set up respond_to to a json request with json containing the saved task object.
  23. Rewrite .done() method from step 20 to send the response object to the append task function.
  24. Make the step 15 completeButton.click() make an ajax call to the TasksController#complete action and set the dataType setting to script.
  25. In the TasksController#complete action, find the task by id and set it's completed property to true.
  26. Make the TasksController#complete respond_to respond to a javascript request.
  27. Find the complete.js.erb file in the Task view that will hold the javascript response.
  28. Use the HTML data-id attribute to find the task in the DOM.
  29. Move the task to the completed-items list.
  30. Make the step 15 deleteButton.click() make an ajax call to the TasksController#destroy action and set the dataType setting to script
  31. In the TasksController#destroy action, find the task by id and delete that task from the database .
  32. In the TasksController#destroy action, make respond_to respond to a javascript request .
  33. Create a destroy.js.erb file in the app/views/tasks that will hold the javascript response
  34. In the destroy.js.erb file, use the HTML data-id attribute to find the task in the DOM and remove it .