
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Lab


  • Practice using jQuery DOM manipulation
  • Pratice using jQuery Events
  • Create a timer

The Memory Game:

  • Memory is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface.
  • Two cards may be revealed at a time.
  • The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards.

To do:

  • Get the game to populate the DOM with 10 cards when the "small" button is clicked.
  • Make sure each card is assigned a unique ID so it can be mapped to a letter.
  • Implement click functionality so that when a player clicks on the card, it reveals the letter.
  • Add logic that compares the cards to try to find a match
  • Make sure if you click the same card twice it doesn't mistakenly think it is a match!
  • Add styling for "found", "won", and "hover"
  • Give the player the option to play a game that is small, medium or large.
  • Add a game timer. It should stop when the player wins.


  • How can you programatically create the letter arrays?
  • Are there ways to refactor your code to make it DRYer?
  • Animate the cards when they are flipped over.
  • Can you implement the memory game with images instead of letters?