
String,Hex,Int,Variable and solution files obfuscation.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

c - cpp Randomizer

Thank you for your interest in my project :)

Why this project?

I am a cheat developer, I work on things like reverse engineering. I offer a good service with very advanced systems. I noticed that Anti-Cheats can detect some properties like ProjectGuid, void names, SolutionGuid. As I said, I already have advanced systems, and I use the auto build system for the products. With this project, they can stay undetected more.

New Features!

  • Vcxproject Solution Guid Randomizer
  • Solution File Guid Randomizer
  • Randomize Defined section
  • Supporting sub folders.
  • Hex Obfuscation.
  • Int Obfuscation.
  • String Obfuscation.

How can i use?

In project;

  • In this line you can edit file path, make sure it ends with \\ at the end. Also you can see settings in file you can change settings.

In your code;

  • Define 2 type start - end
  • Type 1 = Searching in all files
  • Type 2 = Search only in own files (varriable-voids-etc.)
#define O_O // type 1
#define o_o // type 1
#define O__O // type 2
#define o__o // type 2
std::string O_O MyUniqueString o_o = "";
            ^                  ^
            |                  |
            Start              End
// Program can detect multiple defines in 1 line 
// Make sure that variables have a unique name. The program may make mistakes.

// all type 2
// all size 6
#define X_X --> Hex Start
#define x_x --> Hex End
#define D_D --> Int Start
#define d_d --> Int End
#define S_S --> String Start
#define s_s --> String End

constexpr auto hex_var = X_X 0x173ca x_x;
            		  ^            ^
            		  |            |
            	        Start         End

Example Input;

void O_O TestVoid1 o_o (int O_O TestInt1 o_o, std::string O_O TestString1 o_o);

namespace O_O TestNamespace o_o {
  bool O_O TestNamespaceVoid1 o_o (bool O_O TestBool1 o_o);

class O_O TestClass o_o {
  static float O_O MyClassVoid1 o_o (float O_O MyFlaot1 o_o = 3.f);
  static void  O_O MyClassVoid2 o_o (float O_O MyFloat2 o_o);
  static void  O_O MyClassVoid3 o_o ();
  static void O_O MyclassVoid4 o_o ();

Example Output;

void O_O eLlV8UWrXhDSvwO o_o (int O_O sckFeJWHdXVBQn4 o_o, std::string O_O vmVb12AbaTKduWp o_o);

namespace O_O qAPSKmAl19bgenC o_o {
  bool O_O EFaVYTc50PL1I2j o_o (bool O_O MutG7cf592wTOYb o_o);

class O_O uKyJlAqFoFnq0dg o_o {
  static float O_O IXRXXX8zSkTBS50 o_o (float O_O rbsii5szSNIeJ4A o_o = 3.f);
  static void  O_O dyKqlzoiLN9mONI o_o (float O_O vXHO04fW4i7BOZa o_o);
  static void  O_O alFAq67MIGDan6y o_o ();
  static void O_O UiMpuVI4jWlI6Zo o_o ();


Run1 Run2 Run3


If you have suggestion and you error please notify me in issues.

  • Visual Studio 2015+
  • /clr Support (C/C++ CLI)




Mail Me!