RL Q learning to imitate the playing of game
- 3x3 dots and 4 boxes and so 12 lines
- 2 pow 12 states for the game
- DRAW / TIE is available in our implementation
- Training Data: Our agent vs itself
- Init Q table
- Give a game state
- Choose actions for each state and store the reward n next state
- At the end of game, update the Q table //reverse chronological for fast updates
- Repeat playing to ensure that all states are visited many many times
- Current state, possible actions == which has the highest Q value??
- Dis: Exploitation... All states not visited
- Simple learner..: visit count maintained.. and find which is less..
- Random learner..
- Q learner...
- CHOICE : that k method in tom mitchell
- INIT FILLING all zeros
- END OF game : all 12 are 1's ==> end of episode, updating done
- SCORE MAINTAINING: one for each box taken, 12 lines over... decide the winner and give rewards
- TABLE : hashtable, key: state(4096), value: action-qvalue pairs // permanent for all training and test
- GAME EPISODE: we have to store, memory for player 1 and 2 {state, action, nextstate, reward}
- SCORE of each player after each box is filled -- > decide winner
- Current player =player 1 or player 2
- init QTABLE
- while 1 million games:
play game
- save QTABLE
- playwithHuman
- init board state
- init players as p1,p2 or p1,human
- init current player = p1
- init box [0 0 0 0]
- while not final state:
- if cp != 'human' :
currentplayer.make move // simple, q learner , random .. 3 boxes..
- else:
accept input
- update currentplayer.memory
- Check if new box formed, update player score
- else
- toggle the currentplayer
- update board state with current move
- update QTABLE with rewards and penalties
for i = 0 to 3:
i==0 and box[i]==0:
if newstate 1378 set:
- for player's Memory table
- create new row
- add values for each column
- // at the end of game
- for each player update Qtable depending on whether he is winner or loser or tie
- winner update
- for each entry in memorytable(s,a,ns,rwd) in reverse:
- UPDATE Q value as
Q(s,a) = (1-LR)*Q(s,a)+LR*(rwd+DR*MAX(Q(ns,all a's)))
- Take care of exploration and exploitation
- Random or simple or QLearner