This is a url shortener based on Eddy Wm's implementation. Written in Go, deployed with Docker.
This is mostly an experiment in me both learning Go and getting better at Docker. To do so, I've started with the base provided by Eddy Wm, and added to it as I've seen fit. There's still a bit to be done. Some differences:
- Fully containerized in Docker
- Testing environment also in Docker
- Load balancing through Nginx
- More detailed healthcheck endpoint
The project is fully tested and deployed in Docker through docker-compose
Optionally, create environment variables:
API_REPLICAS=[number] # defaults to 2
REDIS_PASSWORD=[a secure password] # defaults to 'admin'
Deploy the application with:
docker-compose up --build
Run unit/integration tests with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build --exit-code-from api-test
The project defines 3 endpoints for running a simple URL shortener:
# Check if running
GET http://localhost:8080/health/ready
> {
"status": "READY"
"redis": "READY"
# Shorten a url
POST http://localhost:8080/
"long_url": "",
"user_id": "0"
> {
"message": "short url created successfully",
"short_url": "http://localhost:8080/ZT5syNhZ"
# Retrieve a URL
GET http://localhost:8080/ZT5syNhZ
> [Redirect to]
- Web front-end
- More sophisticated storage scheme
- Use Redis as a cache
- Use a SQL database as persistent storage
- Switch from deprecated
todocker compose
- General functionality additions