
A SwiftUI view that enables you to properly present a MFMailComposeViewController. (iOS)

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

ios ios


A SwiftUI view that enables you to properly present the default email client composer for both iOS and macOS.


  • Modern SwiftUI implementation.
  • Structured approach with custom types for Mail, Message, Attachment.
  • Full concurrency support for attachments with low-memory consumption.
  • Support for mailto strings, so you can instantiate Mail using mailto value.
  • Familiar API (similar to ShareLink, PasteButton, etc)


@State private var mail: Mail = .init(
    to: "foo@bar.com",
    subject: "Hello, world!",
    message: "Lorem ipsum...""

var body: some View {
    MailButton(mail: mail)

Custom label

var body: some View {
    MailButton(mail: mail) {
        Text("Custom label")

Mail is ExpressibleByStringLiteral

// Create a `Mail` type with its `to` property set.
mail = "foo@bar.com"

// You can even pass an entire `mailto:` string:
mail = "mailto:foo@bar.com&subject=Foo&body=Bar"


The code is packaged as a framework. You can install manually (by copying the files in the Sources directory) or using Swift Package Manager (preferred)

To install using Swift Package Manager, add this to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/SwiftUI-Plus/MailView.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.0.0"))

Note: The package requires iOS v13+

Other Packages

If you want easy access to this and more packages, add the following collection to your Xcode 13+ configuration:
