
Javascript library for interfacing with the newest lineup of PioneerDJ devices via HID

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Javascript library used to communicate with newer PioneerDJ devices (in particular the CDJ-2000NXS2). A language independent documentation can be found on my website: https://mixb.me/CDJHidProtocol/hid-analysis/

Newer PioneerDJ Devices seem to implement some sort of challenge-response-authentication to keep unauthorized software from communicating. This library implements all the logic necessary to deal with that semi-automatically. Moreover, the library also provides functionality for interfacing with some more device specific features such filling the devices library information, sending track metadata and soon setting waveform and hotcue data as well.

Design goals

The primary purpose of this library is to be included in the open source DJ Software Mixxx, thus there have been some limitations imposed on the design of this library:

  1. No complicated toolchains for building
  2. Minimal external runtime dependencies (testing framework is allowed)
  3. ES6 import/exports only
  4. V4 compatibility: Since Mixxx is based on Qt (v5.12 at the time of writing) and uses QJSEngine/V4 as its Javascript interpreter, we are limited to ES7 (and no transpilation using Babel because of the first limitation) and can't assume the presence of a NodeJS or Browser-like environment.
  5. Synchronous code only: Since we are limited to ES7, there is no async/await syntax. Using Promises with callback chains gets complicated and can lead to difficult to debug bugs very fast. Apart from that, this library doesn't contain much code that could benefit from using Promises. For this reason, all code in this library is entirely promise-free.