
Convenience functions for using Firebase Firestore with Swift Concurrency (async/await).

Primary LanguageSwift

SwiftfulFirestore 🏎️

Package in Alpha.

Convenience functions for using Firebase Firestore with Swift Concurrency.

Most functions are an extension of CollectionReference.


Import the package to your project.

Import the package to your file.

import SwiftfulFirestore

Conform to IdentifiableByString (optional).

struct Movie: Codable, IdentifiableByString {
    let id = UUID().uuidString

Create or overwrite document.

try await collection.setDocument(document: movie)
try await collection.setDocument(id: movie.id, document: movie)

Update existing document.

try await collection.updateDocument(document: movie)
try await collection.updateDocument(id: movie.id, document: movie)
try await collection.updateDocument(id: movie.id, dict: try movie.asJsonDictionary())

Get documents.

try await collection.getDocument(id: movie.id)
try await collection.getDocuments(ids: [movie.id, movie.id])
try await collection.whereField("x", isEqualTo: "x").getAllDocuments()
try await collection.getAllDocuments()

Stream documents (add listener via AsyncThrowingStream).

try await collection.streamDocument(id: movie.id) { listener in
     self.listener = listener

try await collection.streamAllDocuments { listener in
     self.listener = listener

Delete documents.

try await collection.deleteDocument(id: movie.id)
try await collection.deleteDocuments(ids: [movie.id, movie.id])
try await collection.deleteAllDocuments()