- AA-Akshat-WinZO
- azharuddinhkHealthkart
- bjeberSingapore
- byaruhafAppBantu
- callum-99United Kingdom
- ChuLo001
- csjonesOuter Space
- FlorianTouschFrance
- gitFletch
- hageletimothy
- HLSwift
- jackywpyBeijing.China
- jacobkosmartSouth Korea
- JamesSedlacekSedlacek Solutions LLC
- Jerbeson
- kappaxbeta
- khaled2024Faculty of computers and artificial intelligence, Benha University
- liangwangcm
- lil-sunshine
- mouseorclegLondon
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- real-intelligence
- robertbasamacBucharest
- RobScott200
- scottymacDevelopmentNow
- shilingXD
- SnailLoveSmile哈尔滨
- stevenyuser
- stevexyhUniversity of Southampton
- TBugdenCalifornia
- thaxzApple Developer Academy | UFPE
- trentjmorrisAtomic Software
- trevorturkChicago
- vecpengHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- vitoriapinheiroApple Developer Academy - UFPE
- wmorgue@itmicus