Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile ''
get DraggablePresenter
DraggableSquareView dragSquare = (DraggableSquareView) findViewById(;
contentText = (TextView) findViewById(;
draggablePresent = new DraggablePresentImpl(fragment, dragSquare);
draggablePresent = new DraggablePresentImpl(activity, dragSquare);
need pass activity callback to DraggablePresentImpl
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent result) {
draggablePresent.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, result);
Set customer dialog, Customer dialog must extends ActionDialog.class
draggablePresent.setCustomActionDialog(new MyActionDialog(Context));
listen image changes
public interface ImageChangesListener {
void onImageAdded(String uri, int index);
void onImageEdited(String uri, int index);
void onImageDeleted(String uri, int index);
All public apis
SparseArray<String> getImageUrls();
void setImages(String... imageUrls);
void setCustomActionDialog(ActionDialog actionDialog);
edit personal data which enables users to drag and rank image order
探探的安卓工程师,应该特别牛逼吧。因为最初时,这种拖拽效果真的无从下手。反编译探探的源代码,发现它做了很严肃的混淆处理。然后用Hierarchy Viewer看了View的层级,这才有了一点点的思路。
当然,在最初的最初,我搜了不少的draggable gridview的仓库,可惜用起来的时候发现不够流畅、不够灵活。