
Tests for https://www.saucedemo.com/ implemented with Playwright following BDD and tests are run in Github actions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Run the test

Run following commands to run the tests

npm install

Run all the tests at once

npm run test:e2e tests/acceptance/features

Run particular feature

npm run test:e2e tests/acceptance/features/<name-of-feature-file>.feature

Run particular scenario in a feature

npm run test:e2e tests/acceptance/features/<name-of-feature-file>.feature:<scenario-line-number>

By default, the tests will run on headed mode but if you want to run the tests in headless then following env can be set

HEADLESS=true npm run test:e2e tests/acceptance/features

Similarly, tests can be a little bit slower to see it being automated in browser. If you don't want the tests to run slowly you can set follwing env variable

SLOMO=0 npm run test:e2e tests/acceptance/features